Destination Church Sermons



Destination Church in Chicago Podcasts


  • All In: Ultimate Pleasure


    In our journey to discover Gods ultimate plan through Christ and His Community, we see that God desires His followers to imitate the life of Christ. Once we grasp our spiritual identity in Jesus, we are then confronted with how that life is lived out. In this section of Paul's letter to the Ephesians we doesn't hold back, but gives direct and unapologetic teaching about sex, sexuality and some other "hot" topics. This is not a week to miss. Check out the ultimate pleasure.

  • All In: Ultimate Mystery


    Mainline churches have been in decline for a long time. With the closure of thousands of churches each year, do churches have any hope? Tune in for week four of ALL IN: Christ & His Community as we continue to look at the grand purposes of God and his plans since the beginning of time.

  • All In: Ultimate Kill


    Join us for week three of ALL IN: Christ and His Community as we continue our path through the New Testament letter of Ephesians. In this section we see great hostility between Gods people and other nations. Elitism and superiority in the heart often lead to the separation away from others. But, in Christ, these alienating issues are killed and made anew. Join us and learn about the Ultimate Kill.

  • All In: Ultimate Purpose


    Everyone wants purpose. Tragically, not everyone finds it. History reveals many failed attempts at determining the meaning of life. Without a concrete purpose or meaning, all we have is our best guess. Simply hoping that we are right about the nature of life wont do. Faced with the gloom of bad economics, increased gang violence in our city, an eroding planet, the rise of terror and threats of nations, we better have more than just our best guess. Tune in for week one of our ALL IN series and discover the Ultimate Purpose.

  • Authenticity: Authentic Method


    Join us for the last installment of Authenticity: the heart of spiritual gifts. Through our journey of 1 Corinthians 12, 13 and 14 we have learned much about the nature and challenges of the Holy Spirits work within the gathered church. While it's becoming more common for churches to affirm the authentic understanding of these passages, it still remains difficult for many to embrace the practice of spiritual gifts. How do we actually use them effectively? The apostle Paul has the answer, and it's not to forbid them, but to place some safety barriers around them. This approach builds the church and benefits unbelievers. We really can have the best of both worlds. Let's explore the Authentic Method for part 6 of Authenticity.

  • Authenticity: Authentic Unity


    As we continue our journey of spiritual gifts in 1 Corinthians 12, 13 & 14 we see that the gifts are desirable, but they should not compete with one another. Many have succumb to the temptation of rejecting themselves or other parts of Christ's body because of perceived differences. Churches can struggle with this when individuals feel like they don't fit it, and fail to grasp that a variety of different parts, makes a whole body. Check out week two - Authentic Unity.

  • Authenticity: Authentic Manifestation


    Join us for week one of Authenticity, the heart of spiritual gifts, as we investigate the teaching from 1 Corinthians 12-14 and discover Gods perspective on these "manifestations" of the Holy Spirit.

  • Determination 101: High-Level Habits


    For the final week of Determination 101 we'll explore some ancient wisdom from the book of Proverbs about high-level habits and learn how to have Godly attitudes about the rhythms in our lives.

  • Determination 101: Eliminate Excess


    Indulgence is the enemy of determination. We often think that success is about being on top. About having power, perks and flexibility. It's tempting to believe that the more money we have, the more freedom we'll have. Yet, anyone who is truly successful will tell us the opposite. To be great, demands great sacrifice. Changing the world isn't about gaining power and getting more. It's about giving. A mediocre sacrifice, will produce a mediocre life. We must eliminate excess and maximize mercy, in order to reap rewards.

  • Determination 101: Find Focus


    Most of us despise mediocrity but have often found ourselves stuck in a rut. We want to grow in determination and self-discipline. However, the foundation of this pursuit must be God. Everything flows from our relationship with Him. As we find our purpose in Christ we develop the right foundation for everything else in our life. The challenge for us is the competing demands we encounter . We are unfocused, scatter-brained and distracted with constant interruptions. This often derails our attempts to be consistent in God and therefore most areas of life. Join us for week two of Determination 101 and Find Focus!

  • Determination 101: Prioritize Practice


    In every global industry, to be competitive, people are having to perform at the highest standards ever expected, and then continually improve. Great performance is becoming more valuable than ever before. Deliberate and intense practice is seen as the solution for great performance. Serious determination is needed to compete at this level. At Destination Church we think that Christians should be the most employable, most trustworthy, most sought after, and most stable people in the city. We also think they should be the most balanced and wise when it comes to priorities. In Titus 1:8 is says to be “ ... hospitable, a lover of good, self-controlled, upright, holy & disciplined”. The world wants self-discipline. The Bible promotes it. What is is? Why do we need it? How do we get it? Join us for part one of Determination 101 - Prioritize Practice.

  • Here We Go Again: Revive


    Just as we learned last week that the church doesn't slow down, but should continually mature, this week we dive head first into applying our purpose. We extend an invitation for you to join us as we pull back the layers of Jesus great banquet parable and all that it means for us. It's often the simplest things that have the most significance.

  • Here We Go Again: Reveal


    Without Godly plans achievement is mediocre. 2012 holds great promise for Destination Church. God has big plans for us and we desire to humbly embrace them. In Romans chapter 1 the Apostle Paul explains his calling and burden for the Christians in Rome. He desires to visit them, strengthen their faith and preach the gospel. At Destination we desire to always be hearing and proclaiming the gospel and being burdened for Gods work among churches. Listen in as we explore Gods mandate and strategy for us in 2012.

  • Adventure: Pursuing Hazardous Action - Explode


    In this third and final week of Adventure: Pursuing Hazardous Action, we see our heros traveling further distances and boldly proclaiming the gospel message of Jesus. There is an astonishing confidence in the message they proclaim and also an incredible response to it. Join us once again as we learn valuable lessons from the first missions team, catch a heart for Gods redemptive purposes and grasp the true nature of the gospel.

  • Adventure: Pursuing Hazardous Action - Expand


    Welcome to part two of Adventure: Pursuing Hazardous Action! In the continuation of Saul and Barnabas’s first missionary journey we see the strategic nature of their work and the amazing power which accompanied their endeavors. Join us as we get on Gods mission together!

  • Adventure: Pursuing Hazardous Action - Exalt


    Welcome to part one of Adventure: Pursuing Hazardous Action! Tune in as we follow the hazardous work of a couple of New Testament heros as they launch into their first missionary journey. If you’ve ever wondered what the disconnect is between the church you see in the Bible and the church you see today, well, sufficer to say, we are going to drop a bomb on your world and uncover the missing link in the adventure of Gods mission.

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