Lifepoint Church Indy Sermons



LifePoint Church sermons


  • Above And Beyond (Audio)


    In our walk with Christ, we should not look for the lowest level of obedience necessary for salvation, but for the highest level of faith and love for Christ leading to joyful obedience.

  • A Heartfelt Appeal (Audio)


    Paul pleads for Onesimus like Christ pleads for the church. Philemon likely has a receptive ear for Paul. God the Father always has a receptive ear for God the Son.

  • The Fellowship of Faith (Audio)


    Our active participation in the faith grows deep roots into that faith. The more we engage, the stronger we become.

  • Reconciled - An Introduction (Audio)


    We see in Paul’s introduction a ministry that is taking place in Colossae. A church is meeting in a home. Our lives should be centers for Christian ministry.

  • The Church - God's Temple (Audio)


    How we work together, teach, serve and do ministry is important. We are called to build faithfully and carefully on the foundation of the church that has already been established.

  • Forever Friendships (Audio)


    Friendships matter, and they are vital in the home, the church, and in our daily discourse. We are stronger with Christian brothers and sisters around us, and life is better. Cultivate Christian friendships. Extend them outward.

  • Guard Your Heart (Audio)


    We guard our hearts and the hearts of our children by filling them with the RIGHT things and keeping the WRONG things out.

  • Tell to The Coming Generations (Audio)


    We engage in family worship with a hopeful expectation that God will demonstrate his grace through our obedience to his call to shepherd our children, to the end that God is glorified and the coming generations confidently hope in God.

  • A Christian's Proper Clothing (Audio)


    Humility is the key to the Christian life. People who are properly humble have better lives, better marriages, better families, and a better future. Christian, humble yourself under God’s mighty hand.

  • Prayer - Fuel for Missions (Audio)


    Prayer fuels missions. God, as Lord of the harvest, commands us to pray that even more effective missions might take place. Let us be about the task of going/sending and praying.

  • Rescue (Audio)


    The Church of Jesus Christ cannot be eliminated. The more his people are oppressed, the more they multiply and spread (Exodus 1:12). God will fully rescue his people.

  • Antioch - Missions Central (Audio)


    Regardless of where we are or the circumstances in which we find ourselves, we are called to share the gospel with all people and to train them in faithfulness to the Lord.

  • Second Generation Believers (Audio)


    We have a biblical mandate to train the next generation of believers. It must be a priority.

  • A House Undivided (Audio)


    Getting along in marriage and in the family is not a mystery. The Scriptures give us ample information on how to have peace in the home, peace in marriage, peace in life.

  • Undivided Devotion (Audio)


    The present form of this world is passing away. God lays few restraints on his people in the area of singleness and marriage, but we must recognize that there is much good that flows from singleness, if used properly for the glory of God.

  • Little Churches (Audio)


    Christian families are to be, as it were, "little churches" with the husband/father leading thw way. All Christians are to strive to be healthy and balanced in worship, grow, connect, serve, and share.

  • That Great City (Audio)


    God will not be left without a witness to those whom he desires to save. We may be the means by which many...or one, will come to know Christ. GO with the gospel message.

  • For The Sake of The Name (Audio)


    The love, knowledge of, faithfulness to, and commitment to proclamation of the gospel of Jesus Christ is the basis for the abundant, joyful life of Christians as we pour out our lives in service and joyful hospitality for the sake of Christ and His...

  • Jesus, Life, and Idols (Audio)


    Jesus has come in the flesh. We know truth through him, and we live in truth through him. He is the true God and eternal life dwells in him. Know Jesus, and keep yourself from idols.

  • The Sin Unto Death (Audio)


    When there is no repentence in the heart of a sinner, there is no life. To reject the testimony of the Holy Spirit is to end up standing before a Holy God with no mediator. Pray for sinners, seeking their good, but do that knowing that you cannot...

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