Father Simon Says



Father Simon Says is your daily bible study hosted by Father Richard Simon, who jokingly refers to himself as Reverend Know-it-All.


  • Man After God’s Own Heart - April 15, 2024

    15/04/2024 Duración: 50min

    Bible Study: (1:42) Acts 6:8-15 Father shares his theory about Act and the Gospel of Luke  Jn 6:22-29 What is the real work of God?  Letters  (19:09) – How is David after God’s own heart?  (28:44) – Communion service  Word of the Day: Crown (31:36) Callers (33:11) – Jesus descended into hell, could you explain?   (37:42) – How the average Jew could’ve possibly known that every sacrifice and liturgical ceremony pointed to Christ? (45:09) – Could you explain Numbers 22: 21-39 to me?  (48:58) – My father recently passed away, and he wasn’t Christian. Should I have baptized him? Original Air Date – April 24, 2023

  • Feeding of the 5000 – April 12, 2024

    12/04/2024 Duración: 50min

    Bible Study: (1:53) -Daily Readings Acts 5:34-42 Jn 6:1-15 -Letters (20:27) Should we associate with Christians who are not living out their faith When did the power of the apostles to heal end? Son wants to marry a Hindu woman what should we do? Is there any point in payer? -Word of the Day (34:08)  Worship -Phones:  Keri – How do you find forgiveness for something you’ve done that caused someone’s death.  How do you forgive yourself? Maro – Question about the word ‘cousin’ and relationship to Mary.  Could you explain the word ‘cousin’ Vanessa – About today’s Gospel making him king, was that going to be by force? Greg – When you’re trying to qualify for a plenary indulgence, and free of mortal sin.  Would just going to Confession at Church qualify for going to confession?   Original Air Date: April 21, 2023

  • Relationship with the Holy Spirit – April 11, 2024

    11/04/2024 Duración: 50min

    Bible Study: (1:50) The Gospel of John We should have a relationship with the Holy Spirit  What does it mean to be born of wind and water Letters (18:04) – Listener is worried about getting his car broken into (22:23) – What is the scriptural basis for the Epiclesis? (25:07) – I’m nervous about my friend’s marriage (31:29) – Anything in the Talmud about one who hangs from the tree is cursed  Word of the Day: Ration (36:53) Callers  (39:19) – Attending a Wedding Reception of a non-Catholic who may be divorced. Can I go? (44:22) – It’s good to have regrets in life  (45:31) – How do I explain Confession, Purgatory, and change to the Bible? Original Air Date: April 20, 2023

  • Will All Baptized Go to Heaven? – April 10, 2024

    10/04/2024 Duración: 50min

    Bible Study: (2:26) Acts 5:17-26 Father explains the religious dynamics in ancient Israel Jn 3:16-21 The price that God paid for our lives  Letters (23:22) – What lessons do we learn from the sufferings of the death of God?  (29:01) – Do you need to be Catholic to receive the anointing of the sick? (30:52) – Jesus says he died for the sins of many  (31:32) – Will all Baptized go to heaven?  Word of the Day: Evil (32:50) Callers (34:32) –  Why the Catholic Church says bad things about the devil, when I recently met someone from the Church of Satan, and they told me they do nice things? (38:59) – About today’s reading and John 3:16, and the use of the word ‘might’ what was the original word? (40:56) – How do you listen for God’s answer? (48:29) – Do you have to be baptized to go to heaven? Original Air Date: April 19, 2023

  • The Answer is Blowing in the Wind - April 9, 2024

    09/04/2024 Duración: 50min

    Bible Study: (2:02) Acts 4:32-37 Father explains the governmental structure in Acts  Jn 3:7b-15 What does it mean to be born from above?  Letters (21:40) Judas & Fulton Sheen’s theory   Who was Thomas’ twin?  Jesus dying for many vs all Word of the Day: Wind & Spirit (32:12) Callers (35:22) Was the Holy Spirit with Mary all the time or was it come and go,. like at Annunciation and at Pentecost?  When they stoned Stephen, why didn’t they ask Pilate to approve, like when Jesus was killed? The Church is not in touch of reality, and I’m becoming Catholic, but I need to go through an annulment and the paperwork and other interviews are hard to do?  Divine Mercy Sunday, if you go to confession and communion and pray for Holy Father, remission of all sins?  Doesn’t confession take your sins away anyway? Good Friday at Church, shouldn’t there be more quiet?  I was hearing the choir practicing? Original Air Date: April 18, 2023

  • Casting Lots - April 8, 2024

    08/04/2024 Duración: 50min

    Bible Study: (1:43) Acts 4:23-31 Father explains some of the meanings of the word ‘God’ Jn 3:1-8 What does it mean to be born from above?  What is religious consensus  Letters (27:59) – What does it mean to cast lots?  (31:30) – Listener forgave her husband for cheating on her Word of the Day: Rabim (Many) Callers  (39:00) – 1 and 2 Maccabees, when was it accepted as canonical before the Council of Trent? (40:52) – Question about the guard’s ear who was cut off and Jesus healing the ear, where in the Bible? (42:28) – Who is most responsible for the humiliation and assaulting of Jesus.  Was it the Romans? (46:36) – Comment on being saved by salvation alone and about yesterday’s 2nd reading? (49:23) – What does he mean by original tongues, like Aramaic and also the diff b/w ‘reborn’ and ‘born above’? Original Air Date: April 17, 2023

  • Fraternal Care & Taking Notes - April 5, 2024

    05/04/2024 Duración: 50min

    Bible Study: (1:52) Acts 4:1-12 Peter understands the prophecy from Psalm 188 Jn 21:1-14 Jesus' fraternal care for John  Letters (23:53) - Father discussing the meaning of Ex 4:23 & Moses' circumcision  (27:11) - Triduum Question  (29:55) - Listener laughed at a FSS promo (30:54) - Can I take notes during the homily?  (31:46) - Listener is upset that Fr. Simon used the term 'woke'  Word of the Day: Touch (36:14) Callers  (38:39) - How would you look in a resurrected body or how would you look when you get to heaven, are you young again? (41:44) - Commentary about what you saw at the Holy Sepulchre and at the very base is 'Adam's Skull'  What do you think? (44:02) - About the synoptic Gospels, did they get the writings from the people who where there? (47:30) - Why does the Catholic Church use the term Easter instead of Resurrection Sunday? Original Air Date: April 14, 2024

  • Mass By the Book - April 4, 2024

    04/04/2024 Duración: 50min

    Bible Study: (1:55) Acts 3:11-26 Father explains some of the Kosher laws regarding pork Letters (19:47) – what is meant by ‘Novus Ordo’ by the book?  https://www.vatican.va/archive/hist_councils/ii_vatican_council/documents/vat-ii_const_19631204_sacrosanctum-concilium_en.html https://www.usccb.org/prayer-and-worship/the-mass/general-instruction-of-the-roman-missal (23:30) – Brenda responds to Father Simon’s critique of the Sermon on the Mount (27:54) - Comment about the Novus Ordo and TLM Word of the Day: Ghost (31:21) Callers  (34:04) – Why were the separation of garments at resurrection? (41:40) – Was Moses circumcised and how old was Moses when he was picked up as a baby? (45:06) – With Mass was in Latin, it was part of universal Church, everybody spoke  same language and that made Church Universal.   (48:42) – ‘Today you will be with me in paradise’ and how could he be in paradise’ if he descended to the dead? Original Air Date: April 13, 2023

  • Priests, Saints & Atheists – April 3, 2024

    03/04/2024 Duración: 50min

    Bible Study: (1:54) Acts 3:1-10 Why are bells significant?  Lk 24:13-35 Who was Cleopas?  Letters (24:04) – When did the presentation happen?  (28:34) – Transfiguration, Moses, and Elijah (31:13) – What is meant by the communion of saints?  Word of the Day: Foolish (34:41 Callers  (36:27) – How do I tell my parents that I’m considering the priesthood?  My dad doesn’t really practice the faith and my mom might not either. (41:55) – My son is an Atheist. How should I evangelize him?  (47:17) – Do Protestants give as much precedence to Good Friday as much as Catholics do, relative to the Resurrections? (49:56) – Why don’t Jews believe in the Messiah?  Original Air Date: April 12, 2023

  • A Twisted Generation - April 2, 2024

    02/04/2024 Duración: 50min

    Bible Study: (1:51) Acts 2:36-41 Father takes issue with words added to the text of today’s reading  Father discusses the public event of Jesus’ death Letters (24:08) – Can cousins get married in the Catholic Church?  (28:46) – Does Jesus give the Sermon to the crowds?  (30:11) – Why were statues covered in the parish before Holy Week?  Word of the Day: Twisted generation (40:03) Callers  (41:26) – Is it okay to bring food into the church when Our Lord is not present in the tabernacle? (42:39) – Clarification on Luke 24:34 about when Jesus appeared to Simon? (44:16) – Peter went over to the tomb with the ‘other one’.  Who is the other one and why not named? (46:13) – My cousin said, The Pope said that Latin Mass can’t be held in church anymore, and be in gym. Could you clarify? (48:34) – On the road to Emmaus, they didn’t recognize Jesus, but recognized him in the breaking of the bread?  But I’m wondering why they didn’t see the wounds on his hands? Original Air Date: April 11, 2023

  • Easter Monday - April 1, 2024

    01/04/2024 Duración: 50min

    Bible Study: (2:20) Acts 2:14, 22-33 Peter’s confidence in Christ’s Resurrection  Father asks how we explain the Resurrection Letters (21:54) – Listener corrects Father Simon’s comments on Dr. Brant Pitre  (28:29) – Question about what Mary deserves  (30:18) – I like the movie, “Is Genesis history?” (32:06) – I heard if you die on good Friday you go straight to  Word of the Day: Pentecost (34:01) Callers  (37:11) – 2 Questions: 1) Why would Romans want Jesus’ blood-stained garments. 2) When they removed Jesus from the cross, wouldn’t that have made the Jews ritually impure?  (39:07) – How can the Shroud include Jesus’ face?  (42:05) – Did Jesus appear to Mary his Mother? Why wasn’t it mentioned in the Bible? (47:56) – Why was the Devil in the Garden of Eden?  (49:46) – St. Faustina’s vision of Purgatory  Original Air Date: April 10, 2024

  • Good Friday - March 29, 2024

    29/03/2024 Duración: 48min

    Bible Study: (2:25) Psalm 136: Jesus doesn't finish the Last Supper; why?  Heb 4:14-16; 5:7-9 The one day the Father says no to Jesus Letters (20:02) - Where do the stations come from?  (26:56) - Should I go to my friend's Easter service at a Baptist Church?  Word of the Day: Eye-Witness (33:59) Callers  (38:17) - Judas and Purgatory, if there was anyone who saw Judas hang herself and if not, could he have asked God to forgive him? (41:02) - Why on Palm Sunday, they read the passion? (43:47) - Luke 2356:20 - : 31, could you interpret that verse for me about wood being green and dry? (45:37) - About confession;  Why as Catholics, we need to go to confession, to be forgiven of our sins, when God shed his blood for us? 

  • Holy Thursday - March 28, 2024

    28/03/2024 Duración: 48min

    Bible Study: (2:58) Ex 12:1-8, 11-14 Father discusses the timeline of Last Supper Jn 13:1-15 Why are the disciples shocked at Jesus? Letters (22:04) - Question about going to a traditional baptism  (25:24) - Importance of beauty in Churches (27:01) - Judas and the morsel (30:00) - A habit of vice is overcome with a habit of virtue Word of the Day : Had never been 'born' (32:38) Callers  (35:01) - My son and his family have started attending the Pre Vatican II TLM Mass.  It's really causing resentment.  Could you help me? (41:44) - There are many Catholic Churches that don't say the prayer to St. Michael?  Why is that? (47:05) - Was the apostle Paul ever ordained a priest? (47:52) - Is it okay to go to the gym on Holy Saturday? Original Air Date: April 6, 2023

  • Spy Wednesday - March 27, 2024

    27/03/2024 Duración: 48min

    Bible Study: (1:59) Is 50:4-9a Why is the word ‘no’ so important?  Mt 26:14-25 Why is the word ‘no’ so important?  Letters (22:12) – Do the angels feel pain?  (23:32) – Why do Catholics pray to Mary and believe in the Assumption?  (26:51) – What is expected of me when a loved one dies?  (29:43) – my girlfriend was baptized in the Ethiopian orthodox Church and receives communion, is that OK?  Word of the Day: HESED (34:29) Callers  (37:49) – First Fridays, you’re supposed to go to communion on First Friday, does it start all over? (42:38) – My friend invited me to a Passover service, at a reformed Jewish temple.  Is it okay to go? (45:27) – I’m 71 years old, Catholic, but I don’t recall ever doing confirmation.  Does it make sense to do it now? Original Air Date: March 27, 2024

  • And It Was Night - March 26, 2024

    26/03/2024 Duración: 49min

    Bible Study (1:40) Is 49:1-6  A light to the nations!  Jn 13:21-33, 36-38 Did Jesus kneel before Judas?  Letters (18:18) – Is Mary of Bethany Mary of Magdalene?  (20:53) – Did Jesus die after three or six hours on the cross?  (22:58) – what’s the story about how Fr. Simon and his Rabbi friend met Word of the Day: Recline (29:41)Callers (32:51) – If Judas was put there for the betrayal of Christ Was he truly a traitor? (35:07) – When Jesus Gave Judas the bread did the devil enter Judas? (37:21) – Why were there two verses cut out of today’s Gospel? (41:31) – Did God give Moses more than 10 commandments? (44:50) – When we pray alone, can we use me/my instead of us/we? (46:01) – Should you go to confession even if you don’t have anything to confess? (47:45) – Can father explain the sense of the faithful?  Original Air Date: April 4, 2023

  • Palaces of the Poor - March 25, 2024 (Encore)

    25/03/2024 Duración: 48min

    Today's encore show is from April 03, 2023.

  • Why Jesus Calls Himself Son of God – March 22, 2022

    22/03/2024 Duración: 48min

    Jer 20:10-13 Why does God allow for temptation?  Jn 10:31-42 Why does Jesus call himself the Son of God?  Letters (19:55) – I’m uncomfortable when the priest washes parishioner’s feet (21:53) – Are there giants in the Old Testament?   (24:29) – Do kids need a saint name for Baptism?  (25:20) – Why don’t we say Amen in the Fatima prayer?  (26:21) – What does Seraph mean?  (27:41) – I heard that St. Faustina said that “at the time of my death, I am my own apostle.”  Word of the Day: Perturbed (29:58) Caller  (33:35) – My daughter lives in a rural area, and there’s no nearby Catholic school, is it okay for her daughter to go to a Baptist school? (36:41) – The priest yelled at me for not going to mass every week, which is hard for my condition.  What do you think? (40:06) – When did the slapping for confirmation begin and end? (40:40) – Jesus tends to double down on certain statements in the Gospels such as about the Eucharist and that he’s the Son of God.  What do you think about his doubling down Father?

  • The Name of God - March 21, 2024

    21/03/2024 Duración: 48min

    Bible Study: (1:42) Father begins with a discussion of yesterday’s Gospel            Gn 17:3-9 What are the works of Abraham? Letters (19:05) – Jesus and the Seraph comment (22:07) – Michael accuses Fr. Simon of superscessionism  (25:09) – What does it mean to pray ‘Lamb of God?’ (28:04) – Evidence of Peter’s existence Word of the Day: I AM (33:01) Callers  (37:59) – Are only the Catholics going to heaven?  What about non-Catholics, like the Buddhists? (41:22) – Could you explain the unbloodied sacrifice of the mass? (44:00) – Is it a sin to name a child with a demonic name?  (46:33) – How do you receive the graces of Divine Mercy? Original Air Date: March 30, 2023

  • Adoration & Deliverance - March 20, 2024

    20/03/2024 Duración: 48min

    Bible Study: (1:56) Dn 3:14-20, 91-92, 95 Father explains the meaning of today's names & the Power of Fatima  Letters  (16:43) - Deliverance ministry at a non-Catholic Church (25:21) - Can I write in my journal during adoration?  (26:27) - What is sin?  Word of the Day (30:54) Callers (32:50) - Could I get good interpretation of the Rich Man and the Lazarus? (39:06) - Why are angels saints but Old Testament prophets are not saints? (41:56) - What is a good book about Mary?  Fisherman's Friend cough drops, is good for you (44:11) - How did the bleeding in the garden for Jesus, affect his wardrobe and his face (47:28) - All of our priests were out of town, so there was a communion service led by a woman, was that licit?

  • Loud Cries and Tears - March 18, 2024

    18/03/2024 Duración: 49min

    Bible Study: (2:22) Dn 13:1-9, 15-17, 19-30, 33-62 or 13:41c-62 Father discuses the longest reading of the year Jn 8:1-11 Would Jesus ever condemn anyone?  Sunday's Readings (16:25)Hebrews: Loud Crys and Tears John's Gospel: Why was Jesus so upset? Letters:  (29:09) - Fr.'s show is the highlight of my day (30:26) - New American Standard Bible - Thoughts?  (32:41) - Does modesty vary by culture?  Word of the Day: Susanna (33:01)Callers: (33:28) - Can a baptized Catholic go to confession if they have not received any of the other sacraments? (34:29) - John 12:30 and 33. Does the same Bible verse that pertains to Jesus and his suffering relate to us? (38:06) - Can you recommend a verse in the bible on healing? (41:50) - What do you about a child, born/baptized Catholic, but thinks is not Catholic anymore?   (43:59) - When someone dies. How long should we pray for them? (46:12) - When we do pass away where will we be that same day and if we are in purgatory/heaven will we have a body the right away?

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