Guided Meditation Podcast



Begin a new day, create the space for peace, healing and transformation


  • 190 Release Fear


    Todays FREE Guided Meditation Podcast is all about letting go of FEAR. Fear is the opposing force to Love, release fear and let love in.

  • 189 Bringing light to the depths of Earth


    Heal yourself and heal the Earth

  • 188 Pentagram energy activation


    Join the Light Worker movement to bring Love and Light to Earth. Feeling the call to help and don't know where to start, this meditation will connect you with others who are bringing the light.

  • 187 Connect to all possibility


    Follow the river of golden energy to the field of all possibility in todays Guided Meditation Podcast. Just relax and flow.

  • 186 Daughter of the phoenix fire cleanse


    This simple Guided Meditation duration approx. 20 mins Taking time to relax is more important than ever. If you feel like you want to get away and unwind then take a journey with Natalie Ubl Grant of Light Of Wellness.     We would love to hear your experience with these meditations, if you have... Continue Reading →

  • 185 Winter Solstice Energy Reset Meditation


    This simple Guided Meditation duration approx. 30 mins Taking time to relax is more important than ever. If you feel like you want to get away and unwind then take a journey with Natalie Ubl Grant of Light Of Wellness.     We would love to hear your experience with these meditations, if you have... Continue Reading →

  • 184 Purify your body with the yellow ray


    Feel like you need a body purification? In today' guided meditation we use the yellow colour ray to move throughout your entire physical body. Connecting us to the sensation of continuous flow and abundance. Then we magnify this into the world around us. This is a great meditation for clearing our physical and emotional ailments and freeing up the body to be open to the new energy around us, inviting in abundance and flow.

  • 183 Solar plexus release


    The centre of emotion the solar plexus chakra is the focus of today's guided meditation. A fantastic meditation to connect, release and energise this chakra. Remove blockages and observe the energy. Ascend through the chakras and experience the energy upgrade.

  • 182 Angel Wings – Experience the energy upgrade.


    Clear toxins and impurities from your body today in our guided meditation. Experience the energy upgrade. Leave behind the past and elevate as you grow your angel wings. Create a space where you feel safe, abundant, and worthy.

  • 181 Inner Child and self love


    Today is about healing and making space for abundance to flow into our lives. Our self love is expanded and honoured our inner child nurture and loved, hear their guidance and offer wisdom.

  • 180 Earth Angel Chant


    Today's meditation will guide you to a space where we will use chant to clear and release. Release, cleanse and let go of the past to step into the new energy, prepared.

  • 179 Heart Of Love


    Connect to love and being loved in todays Guided meditation podcast. During this meditation you will be met by a loved one, and or ancestor that greets you with warmth and love. Sit in Circle in this space of love and send healing to yourself, your community and to the Earth.

  • 178 Oxygen Meditation


    A quick meditation today as we allow oxygen to flow thought out our bodies. Using your awareness, follow the oxygen flow around your body. Notice the flow. 

  • 177 Chakra Balance for the Earth


    Let's do something for the Earth. Let's heal our Chakras and in doing so we will be healing the Chakras of the Earth. This is symbolic of Microcosm and Macrocosm heal in ourselves what we wish to heal in others and the outside world. We have the power to create change and that change starts with us.

  • 176 Crystal Grid Meditation


    Work with the energy of the Crystal Grid and the vibration of the singing bowl today in this balancing meditation. Release, let go and find the lesson.

  • 175 Obstacle Remover Meditation


    Let's FEEL into our field today and and remove the obstacle that is coming up for you today. It could be preventing you from feeling free, light, open, or connected to love. Work with the obstacles that are not serving you and let's remove them together. obstacle /ˈɒbstək(ə)l/ Learn to pronounce noun a thing that blocks one's way or prevents or hinders progress.

  • 174 Unconditional LOVE Connection


    With all the CRAZY that is going on in the world right now with the Covid-19 (Corona Virus Outbreak), we are experiencing isolation and separateness. This is a time now more than ever to actively connect with unconditional love.

  • 173 Healing temple


    Guided to your Healing temple today to create a shift into self Love.

  • 172 Green grass meditation


    Experience the senses and allow yourself to go deep into relaxation in this weeks Guided Meditation Podcast.

  • 171 Chakra elevation


    Work through the Chakras in today's Guided Meditation Podcast and focus on the word release.

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