Southland Church Sermons



We hope you are encouraged and enjoy our Sunday messages. Southland Church is a pentecostal church in Batemans Bay, NSW Australia. Our vision is to be a church without walls, a church open to our community. A church/people that represent Jesus well, as we have a positive impact to those we meet.


  • Don't be an Ian


    We don't want to be an Ian, christians with out Christ. 1.We need to be build our relationship with God, not replace it with Godly principals. 2.The greatest counteraction to fear is faith, relationship with God builds faith, our prayer life...

  • Keeping Perspective in Battle


    We can find keys to kingdom perspective when facing giants in life, through some of the battles David conquered. 1. The enemy will always show up when your at your lowest point. 2. Don't try to be someone else. 3. When your victorious over...

  • Missionary Mindset


    Being a missionary is not just about being sent to the poor, and becoming poor yourself. Through seeing key values Paul has in Acts 9 can learn what it means to have a missionary mindset. A missionary Knows 1. Element of going. Someone who is...

  • The Power of His Blood Line


    The power of His blood line (His family tree) John 6:53-56. for those who are partakers of His Body and Blood... 1) They have Eternal Like NOW... Have entered the Kingdom of God. 2) Guarantee of End time Resurrection. 3) Mutual Indwelling Now...

  • Discomfort Activates Faith


    You cannot be a conquerer if there is no battle to conquer. You cannot be an overcomer if you have nothing to overcome. You cannot use faith if there's nothing in your life that requires faith. Face your giants, climb your mountains...

  • Hospitality


    The day of pentecost (Acts 2 1-12) We hear the importance of speaking in other peoples native tongue/language. We can often be comfortable speaking in a way that has become normal to our inner circle, however the call of hospitality we carry as...

  • Perspective series 1 Grace 2


    Jesus' main message He carried was GRACE. He not only told stories of it but demonstrated it through relating to a wide range of people.. The outcast, the loner, the prostitute, the demon possessed and even Zacchaeus the dreaded and sinful tax...

  • Perspective series 1 Grace


    GRACE - one of Jesus' most overwhelming life messages! Scripture references: the gospels. Have you had a chance to reflect this outrageous way of living? To give to others a small glimpse of the grace given to you? #thegracerevolition

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