Second At 10 @ Forest Lake Church Sermon Podcast



In today's world, young adults are facing many unique challenges such as economic pressures, lifestyle choices, relationship decisions and a lot more. And with the near constant bombardment of information and marketing, where does God fit into it all? How can God fit into it all? That is what The Bridge community seeks to find out together. We know we aren't perfect, but what matters is that we all have a desire to have a deeper personal relationship with Jesus and being able to share that relationship with others. If you feel like maybe there is something missing in your life, we invite you to be a part of our community as we learn and grow together.


  • Voices: Our Life Still Speaks


    No matter what our circumstances are, our lives still speak. The Bible teaches us that everybody matters, so even if someone doesn't have the appearance of success, if they are a widow, is to young, is to old, or handicapped, or divorced, or just seem to be someone that society has thrown away...their lives--our lives--still have a story to tell.

  • Voices: Overflowing Love


    When our lives overflow with the love that Jesus has for us, we can't help but to share that love with others.

  • Voices: A Story


    We all have a story. Some parts good, some parts difficult, but we should not be afraid to share it with others because Jesus may use our story to enrich the lives of others.

  • Voices: A Father's Love


    A father's love is a love without end, and that is exactly how much God loves us.

  • Voices: A Wedding and A Bridge


    God is building a bridge between you and Him, and the cross is the foundation pillar of the bridge. And one day Jesus will come to take us back home to spend eternity with Him.

  • Voices: Three Strange Days


    Often times we don't hear God because we've either filled our lives with so much noise we can't, or we're afraid to hear what He has to say. But if we're still and open to His voice, we'll find He's right there with us.

  • Voices: The Next Voice You Hear....


    We may not always know what the voice of God sounds like, but if we turn our hearts to Him we can be sure to hear Him when He speaks to us.

  • Voices: Radical Prayer


    From even the smallest seeds can come great things. We should always be ready to listen to God when He wants us to do something, no matter how insignificant it might seem or how far out of our comfort zone it might send us.

  • Voices: Jesus Makes the Difference


    We can't explain all the contradictions of this life, all the intricacies, and all of the problematic issues that we face. But one thing we know, one day all that is wrong will be made right through the name of Jesus.

  • Voices: A Voice for the Poor


    Have you ever found yourself not giving as much grace to the poor as you do to others around you? We pass judgment and make assumptions about the poor, yet Jesus says our voice towards the poor must be one of grace, of favor, of not judging them, and not trying to "fix" them. Jesus shows us undeserved and unmerited favor, and if we follow Him we are to treat people with that same grace and favor.

  • Voices: Living in the Wilderness


    Are you living in the wilderness? Trust that God is working all things together for your good, and even in the most desolate part of the wilderness, God is with you.

  • Can You Hear Me Now?


    Communication isn't always easy, and sometimes things like technology can get in the way of real communication with other people. Even more so, what is it in your life that might be preventing you from hearing what God is saying?

  • FIT Christians


    In this world we live in, on this spiritual battleground we're on, we need to be fit to don the armor of God by being intentional in our relationship with Him.

  • Message in Song


    The Forest Lake Academy Cantabile and Solid Bronze musicians lead us in worship through the beauty of song.

  • The Story is Not Over


    We will go on through many trials and troubles, but our story isn’t over. And if we give ourselves fully to Jesus, all our pains, all our trials, all our sorrows, all of it; every reversal, every deliverance, every disaster; every piece; if we endure in faith and hope and love, God will take our story and use it as proof that Jesus Christ is Lord.

  • The Gospel in Action


    Living the gospel means that we can't just be hearers of the word, we should be doers. We invited two local organizations involved in foster care, adoption, mentoring, and working to end human trafficking to share the real needs they have and ways that we can get involved.

  • Philippians Reloaded: Be Humble


    Jesus humbled Himself to save us, and His example is the one we should strive to copy in our own lives.

  • Philippians Reloaded: Live Faith


    Your testimony, the way you live your life, your faith in Jesus Christ, has the power to change the world.

  • Philippians Reloaded: Choose Joy


    The Enemy wants to steal our joy, because without joy we forget to be thankful, we miss the divine interruptions, and without joy the world can't see a loving God who sticks with us through every circumstance. So no matter what life throws our way, we should strive to choose joy.

  • Easter Drama - I Witness


    There were several witnesses to Jesus' resurrection, are you a witness today?

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