School Of Awesome Sauce With Greg Denning

#226 Please Don't Be Offended That I Shared This Episode With You -- Here's Why YOU (and I) Need a Coach



Greg received an email from a friend who said, "My son needs a life coach :)" His response was, "EVERYONE needs a life coach." The stigma is that only people with problems or those who 'can't figure it out' need a life coach. But the truth is, if you want to have a truly EXTRAORDINARY life, you NEED a coach. You understand this when it comes to learning the violin or tennis -- if you want to be good you get a coach. Yet somehow too many people don't connect it when it comes to parenting, marriage, or finances. You NEED a coach in those areas of life, too. And in fact, that is the ONLY way you'll actually be GREAT in those roles -- if you get some coaching. But you have to be careful. Not all life coaches -- or therapists -- are competent to provide advice that works -- even if they are 'certified' or 'qualified'. In this episode, we dive into WHY you need coaching -- especially if you think you do NOT -- and how to determine if you should actually list