School Of Awesome Sauce With Greg Denning

#227 Babe, I Want to Be Able to Talk to You About ANYTHING -- Let's Listen & Discuss This



In Greg's work as a coach, he often hears something like this: "Yes I agree, but how do I talk to my spouse about that???" Sometimes we're shocked that a spouse feels like they can't bring up a topic with their 'better half' -- even if it is a sensitive one. But then we remember that we used to be there too. And in this episode, we share a personal experience about a topic that was off-limits for about a decade or more... and how we worked through it. Eventually, we got to the point where we can talk to each other about ANYTHING. And to have an extraordinary marriage, that's where you want to be. Yes, it's work. But what's the alternative? To coast on a plateau or to drift into non-communication? Learning to discuss difficult topics strengthens your marriage and your bond as a couple. Learn how to do that in this episode. Listen to our other episodes on marriage: #192 EVERYTHING In Life Gets Easier & Smoother When You Can COMMUNICATE Better. Here's How to D