School Of Awesome Sauce With Greg Denning

#231 Stop Lying to Your Kids — Speak ONLY Truth to Gain More Influence



We've never told any of our 7 children there is a Santa Clause or a Tooth Fairy. That's because we always wanted to be seen as people our children can believe and trust -- NO MATTER WHAT -- especially when it comes to discerning truth in the world and discovering what is real and what is not. And while it's not just about Santa Clause, this approach of ALWAYS speaking Truth is one of the key philosophies that has helped us to raise children, teens, and young adults who truly trust, believe, and seek out our advice, even into young adulthood. It is an approach that has led them to know that we will ALWAYS be straight with them -- no matter if it's about their health, weight, looks, friends, ideas, dates, or choices. No matter what questions they have, they can come to us and get REAL answers. We won't be overly harsh, but we also won't sugarcoat things. We won't underplay the risks, but we won't exaggerate them either. We don't know all the answers, but we will share everything we do know to be true -- whet