Gary Renard Podcast

Gary Renard Podcast - ep037



Episode 37: "March Madness of the Ego!" As we say, March Madness is a lot of fun for sports fans on Earth... but the madness of the ego is no fun for anybody, anywhere. (This was also the theme of this month's conference call.) Gary starts off this podcast by telling Gene all about Austin, Texas (where he is visiting, as this episode is recorded), and then talks a bit about his recent trip to Mexico City. Also discussed is Gary's workshop in the Florida Keys not long ago (where unfortunately, Gene couldn't join him this time around.) Gary and Gene discuss their March 9th conference call, which opened with the topic of the Madness of the Ego, demonstrating how the ego's thought system is literally insane - and how the Holy Spirit provides an alternate thought system which is, blessedly, quite sane, joyful, and peace-filled. Gary elaborates on the actual "structural" nature of the ego, how it started, and how it operates. He also shares some of his personal history of dealing with negati