School Of Awesome Sauce With Greg Denning

#233 The Impending Unraveling (and Collapse?) of Society -- How to Protect Your Family



In this episode, we philosophize (are you surprised?) about observations we've been making for the past decade or more as we've read, studied, and traveled to 50+ countries. It's kind of like putting together a puzzle. You take one piece after another and see where they fit and little by little a picture begins to emerge. In this case, the picture that's forming shows the current state of the world and the impending disasters that seem to lurk around the bend. We expound on a few of them, get angry about a few others, rant and rave a little, and then share strategies to help protect yourself and your family. We may not be able to stop the avalanche of disaster, but we can get out of the way. We also open up about our own fears in 'speaking up' or speaking out -- and the necessity for ALL of us to raise our voices. Because all that's required for the triumph of evil is for good men and women to do nothing. Tools & Resources mentioned in this episode: The Gulag Archipelago by A