School Of Awesome Sauce With Greg Denning

#234 College, Drug Lords, Billboards & Totalitarianism in America



After nine months of traveling outside of the USA (to 17+ countries from Tromsø to Cairo), we return to take care of some things that will help us make a permanent transition to our home base in Portugal... But as usual, there are things that STAND OUT to us as we visit this country after an extended absence. In this episode, we share what those things are, and -- in the bigger picture -- why they are significant to our families, the nation, and the world as a whole. RESOURCES MENTIONED: - Wild Swans by Jung Chang - Animal Farm by George Orwell - 1984 by George Orwell - In Order to Live by Yeonmi Park - The Psychology of Totalitarianism by Mattias Desmet OTHER RESOURCES: #138 Thou Shalt Follow the Science (Dark Horse Podcast) Does History Repeat Itself? with Mattias Desmet #373 Social Justice: A Religious Movement (Jordan Peterson Podcast) #380 A Resurgence of Vision with Vivek Ramaswamy #363 Rekindling the Spirit of the Classic Democrat with Robert F. Kennedy (removed from YouTube by them for 'violat