School Of Awesome Sauce With Greg Denning

#236 Creating Stability: Become a Better Problem Solver to Become a Better Parent



If you've been a parent long you know that parenting often feels like a series of problems to solve. This is accurate. So it only makes sense that if you become a better problem-solver, you will become a better parent. Continuing on the theme from the last episode about how to create family stability, we explain HOW to improve your problem-solving skills -- and how to do it without damaging relationships or becoming controlling and domineering. We also explain how to PREDICT and PREVENT problems (including tantrums, meltdowns, and outbursts) -- plus how to solve them for GOOD -- to make family life even smoother and happier. Plus we'll elucidate on how and why to say 'YES' more often! And expound on specific strategies for getting what you want and need done (in the family and around the house) without nagging or making 'withdrawals' from those 'emotional bank accounts'... and instead do it in a way that actually makes 'deposits' into your relationships. Listen to this