School Of Awesome Sauce With Greg Denning

#237 The Stability of Your Family Life DEPENDS on the Stability of Your Marriage



In this series about raising well-adjusted kids and better family stability, we're now diving into the 2nd level of the Extraordinary Family Life Pyramid -- Marriage! YOU are the foundation of your family life, followed by your MARRIAGE. Without strong INDIVIDUAL mental, emotional, spiritual, social, physical, and financial health you don't have the 'solid footing' necessary to raise well-adjusted kids. The same is true when it comes to your marriage. You and your spouse are providing the up-close-and-personal look at interpersonal relationships that your children will take into their adult life and their own relationships. You can NOT fake this. You can't say one thing and do another and expect your kids to get the 'right' message. Your marriage must be strong, thriving, and attractive if you want to raise the strongest, healthiest, most well-adjusted kids possible. And if it's not? What then? There are still things you can do to improve the situation -- whether you're st