School Of Awesome Sauce With Greg Denning

#238 Israel/Palestine, Ukraine, W.H.O., 'The Great Reset', Tolerance, Murdered Activists, and Other Craziness!



We cover a LOT of things in this episode as we discuss, examine, and analyze things that have been on our minds during the last week and as we ask each other WHAT'S GOING ON IN THE WORLD?? We're not talking about conspiracy theories... but actual conspiracies. Stay with us here... these aren't crazy ideas that we've come up with from our imaginations... ...these are actual, proven things that are happening and we're just asking the questions: What does that actually mean? Where will this actually lead? Our (optimistic) concern is that it's going to get worse before it gets better... but that's what the fourth turning is all about. Listen now so you can prepare your family -- because, in the end, it's strong individuals and families that will ultimately change the world! RESOURCES: The Fourth Turning by William Straus & Neil Howe The Fourth Turning is Here: What the Seasons of History Tell Us About How & When This Crisis Will End by Neil Howe 1984 by George