Gymcastic: The Gymnastics Podcast

63: Interview with Serial Pedophile Ex Doctor Larry Nassar Interview



This interview was released December 5th 2013. US national team member, Maggie Nichols, told USA Gymnastics about being abused by Nassar in June 2015. As of this update in January of 2018, she is the first known person to tell USA Gymnastics.... Then Rachael Denhollander, became the first survivor to go public in the Indy Star with accusations against Nassar in September 2016. It turns out that former doctor, Nassar had been abusing girls and women all the way back to the 1990s. And theses brave women, girls had been telling authorities all along, but they weren't believed. Larry Nassar is now a convicted pedophile and child pornographer who will spend the rest of his life in jail. This episode makes us feel guilty, sick and embarrassed but we will never take it down. Why? Because it may be one of the few interviews of it's kind, one with a serial child molester before he was caught. It shows how easy it is to groom adults, like us and our listeners (look a the comments section), and people in power, people