
A New Beatitude - Episode 40



In our culture of tweets and texts and instant everything, we tend to simplify things into easy sound bites like "you get out what you put in," or "God helps those who help themselves." But Jesus is calling us into a new way of being. Because when we look deeper at the complexities of life, we find that these small-minded sayings don’t account for the variety of experiences that people face. Poverty, racism, loneliness, unemployment, domestic abuse, and terminal illness can’t be explained away or justified with some nice platitude. These are human conditions with a host of complex causes and repercussions that we can never tease out.The way of Jesus calls us to think more deeply about our existence. Jesus invites us to unplug from the power and success machine. Jesus invites us to a way that doesn’t need to win or be better. The Beatitudes call us to a deeper consideration of our inner landscape and our communities. We'll contemplate these sayings of Jesus and some of the new beatitudes you've written.