Facelock Feministas

FF68 - Volume 13



The Lady J & Courtney Rose are finishing up a journey through all of Progress's Chapters - starting with Chapter 1. This is it, folks: Volume 13. J & Courtney are joined, once again, by the moderately special Callum Leslie and they tackle chapters 43, 44, 45, & 46. Not only do these three fine friends lament James Drake, cackle over The Origin, cheer (we mean boo) the return of Zack Gibson, fall in love with Jack Sexsmith, and cry (a lot) over the cathartic arc of Havoc and Ospreay - but they also wax poetic on their favorites with a fun quiz, too! Thanks to EVERYONE who has made this journey through all of Progress Wrestling so wonderful! Make sure to tune in each week as Courtney and J tackle other independent wrestling promotions like ATTACK! and Chikara, as well as covering all of the NEW content on Progress's On Demand service as it goes up! Follow us on Twitter: The Lady J: @TheLadyJSays Courtney Rose: @ChicagosCRose Facelock Feministas: @FacelockFemmes Callum Leslie: @CallumLeslie92