SteamLUG Cast

s02e14?– Mount and Gun



We have four hosts to take you through the previous fortnight’s Linux Gaming News, and we discuss our kickstarter funded projects and expectations. Enjoy! Introduction 00:00:11 @johndrinkwater introduces… 00:00:17 @ValiantCheese 00:00:20 @swordfischer and 00:00:22 @DerRidda Our Gaming 00:00:59 John has been playing more LYNE, watching DOTA’s TI4, Pivvot, and Three Dead Zed 00:02:02 DerRidda played (and watched) DOTA, Broken Sword 2, and Pulsar 00:04:46 Swordfischer played Block Storm, Fractal 00:06:20 Cheese played Left 4 Dead 2, Guns of Icarus: Online, Hand of Fate, X‐Com, Planetary Annihilation, Starbound and testing BANG BANG BANG! SteamLUG Community Stuff 00:07:58 Past Events: Starbound [] Planetary Annihilation [] XCOM: Enemy Unknown [] Deathmatch Classic [