SteamLUG Cast

s02e11?– And Then There Were Two



John and DerRidda discuss the last fortnights gaming news and releases, and when depression sets in, they pulled through it by discussing the latest Greenlight approvals… it’s going to be one of those casts, enjoy! Introduction 00:00:14 johndrinkwater @johndrinkwater introduces… 00:00:17 DerRidda @DerRidda 00:00:24 Cheese (@ValiantCheese) has slept in :< Our Gaming 00:00:33 DerRidda played Witcher 2, Breach & Clear, Shadowrun Returns: Dragonfall. 00:01:38 John QAed Skulls of the Shogun (for the past few months), Symphony, some unmentionable titles and the odd PS3 game. SteamLUG Community Stuff 00:03:21 Gear Up [] 00:03:41 Fistful of Frags [] 00:04:13 TF2 [] Left 4 Dead 2 [] 00:04:19 Event suggestions welcome via: #SteamLUG IRC