Inspiring Lives With Penny Rackley

Podcast 11: Coaching Q&A – What It Is, How It Works and Why



  -- Click here to listen -- What is life coaching about, and why would I want to try it? Is it like therapy? How long does a session take? How many do I need? Why did you become a coach in the first place, and why do you think you're qualified for the job? I love to receive questions about coaching! In this podcast I answer some of the most common inquiries, and give a little background on why and how I became a coach. Coaching Q&A I've coached since 2011, and have worked with dozens and dozens of people over hundreds of hours. Some of the most common questions I receive are: Is coaching like therapy?  First, let me say that coaching is not therapy. They are similar in that both are confidential, professional relationships. But therapy oftentimes focuses on the past, on issues from your childhood, how you were raised, examines past wounds that you’ve suffered and the effects of those wounds on who you are today. It also addresses issues such as substance abuse and domestic violence. When