Head Above Water

Season 1 Episode 6 Curses, Numbers Chapter 24, & 25



Day 1 - Numbers 22:1-41  Even when the Israelites could not see it, God was working for their good. God is always working all things for the good of those who love Him (Rom. 8:28).  How has God’s faithfulness helped you remain faithful to Him even in the midst of difficult circumstances? Day 2 - Numbers 23:1-30 Even though we may face persecution and difficult times, there is nothing that can stop God from fulfilling all that He has planned and promised. God has placed stories of His work for His people in the Bible so that we can see how He works for the good of His people, and in doing so, realize He works for us in the same way.  How can seeing the unstoppable faithfulness of God change the way you approach difficult situations today? Day 3 - Numbers 24:1-14  The message of the gospel is a message for all the world. God has saved us to display the immeasurable riches of God’s grace for the rest of eternity, and He calls us to start now by inviting those who don’t know Jesus, to trust in