The Too Fit Podcast

Episode 26 - How Your Food is Sabotaging Your Health and Performance and What You Can Do About it



Erin Thole is a BEAST when it comes to alleviating people's health problems. She systematically tackles symptoms and uncovers the root cause of the issue: your food. Food affects each of us in different ways, depending on each individual's biochemistry, genetic makeup, and environmental exposure.  Think of Erin as your food therapist, discovering and obliterating problems that lie beneath the surface unbeknownst to you.  In Erin's own words: "I have worked as a Certified Natural Healthcare Practitioner for over 8 years and my passion & dedication to functional medicine and helping others began with my own personal journey of horrible digestive and thyroid problems. For years everything I ate upset my stomach, I was always in pain, always bloated, always so tired, had crazy mood swings and I was a little chubbier than I wanted to be despite my active lifestyle. Sick and tired of feeling horrible and not getting the results I wanted at the gym, I chan