The Quantum Communicator

Four Steps to Law of Attraction Journaling Mastery with Dr. Michael Pearlman



Did you know that the ability to create the life you desire is completely in your hands?  According to today's guest, Dr. Michael Pearlman, it's absolutely true! In today's episode, we'll learn more about "Law of Attraction Journaling," which is a fascinating "4-Step Roadmap to Create the Change You Want in Your Life." Michael Pearlman, M.D. is a well-known Boston area psychiatrist and Personal Life Strategist with a spiritual focus. He uses the Law of Attraction as a touchstone to help people reveal their Divine Self-Expression to live the life of their dreams.  Throughout his own journey, he has used journaling as a way of gaining clarity and insights, and, at a deeper level, as a way of listening to his soul. The process, which has evolved over time, allowed him to use his own life as the subject of the creative process. This awakening led him to develop Law of Attraction Journaling. The Law of Attraction Journal provides a direct route to Self-Realization by guiding people to effectively separate th