Dont Change The Channel

Keep Your Spirits Up with The Power of 10



Hosts Michelle Paisley Reed and Jodah Reed with read a randomly chosen section from their most recent #1 bestselling book, then Michelle will channel and take callers based on the theme or a question of their choice. Page 88 hard copy-Chapter 31: Source Doesn't Care if You Individuate (from "Keep Your Spirits Up: A Simple guide to Lift Your Vibes Sky-high Without Struggle or Pain." TCKPublishing 2017). "Separation is all an illusion. As you focus more on the ego's creative diversity rather than the larger part of you that is Spirit, Source energy will continue to shine on and love you anyway." Please tune in this Sunday at 6pm EST to share your thoughts with us on this passage/chapter if you have the book (available on Amazon or our website) and call in to ask The Power of 10 to elaborate or ask anything you want! Tonight's show is sponsored by