Beyond Athletic With Ryan Jay Owens

#40 How To Train When No One Is Looking with Russ ROSE



#40 How To Train When No One Is Looking with Russ ROSE Full Show Notes & more @ Expert Game Plan Session: Into the mind of the legendary NCAA Division I Volleyball Coach March 20, 2016 BACKGROUND There are coaches, and then there is Russ Rose. In this game plan session, we get a chance to ask Russ a few key questions about volleyball in the U.S. along with the international frontier. We also delve into what it takes to be an athlete at a high level and the path to get there. Russ goes through the golden nuggets that have helped him in his career and will help in the career of any athlete. Enjoy! BIOGRAPHY Born, Russell Rose, from Chicago on November 29, 1953. Married Lori in 1986 and is the father of four sons: Jonathan, Michael, Christopher, and Nicholas. Graduated from George Williams College in 1975 and completed his master’s degree at Nebraska in 1978 with his thesis on volleyball statistics. He is now going on his 38th year as coach at Penn State with an overall coaching