Second Spring Queen

Reclaiming the Power of Beauty



Beauty is a tricky topic and so triggering for many women. I get it. But in a podcast devoted to Venus, we gotta go there. One of the most sinister and disempowering things to come out of the patriarchy has been the hijacking, commercialization and the trivializing of real beauty. When you take away a culture’s authentic connection to beauty, it’s a violation of the soul. You take away hope, inspiration, aliveness, and even gratitude. You take away their right to embody and express the essence of who they are. Without beauty (the internal and external experience of it), we go numb. We disconnect from the Goddess within. “Venus reminds us that the opposite of aesthetic is anesthetic.” -Caroline W Casey, Astrologer When we lose our connection to beauty, we’re operating at a huge deficit. It’s time to shift that. And shifting it is! Beauty first and foremost is an inside job. Your unique essence with full permission to shine. In the words of the infinitely quotable Coco Chanel: “Beauty begins the moment you deci