Second Spring Queen

Lunar Sex Magic: Full Moon in Gemini December 11 & 12, 1019



This Full Moon in Gemini is here to shine the light on all things communication. It’s about conversations. What’s being said. What’s not being said. The essence behind the words. We all have something to say. Our voice is one of a kind. A medium to express our soul. Our voice matters. Our conversations matter. This Moon asks us to take a look at how we use our voice but even more importantly to take a look at what’s going on with the voice in our head. What daily themes are showing up in the headlines of our inner landscape? Who’s in charge? Who has the microphone? Is the voice supportive? Kind? Loving? Approving? Fearful? Critical? Resentful?   The good news is that we have so much agency here. When we notice what’s happening with our inner conversations we begin to direct them. This Moon is here to help us see how we use the magical power of language in our inner and outer landscape.   Who’s dancing? Pallas Athena aka Wonder Woman is in house, keeping things real to the feel. Neptune is also a big playe