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If it is Easy and Simple to do, it is Easy and Simple NOT to do it. Does last year look a lot like the previous year or the year before that?  I set these goals and targets that I intended to hit. If you asked if I was committed, I would have said "yes, of course."  Have you been there when that voice in your head starts to say, "but wait, you did not hit those goals last year?" Honestly, it is one thing to say I am going to do X.  However it is completely a different thing when you are committed, make agreements to yourself and others but do not follow through. It starts you believing that you are not enough and you need more knowledge. Get yourself absolutely clear what you want to achieve. Put in place a strategy or plan that will lay out the path on the steps to take. If you need a perspective to help you to obtain that clarity, reach out to me at, Instragram or Facebook.