Head Above Water

season 1 Episode 9 - Victory, Joshua 2-6



Day 1 - Joshua 2:1-7 The intent of Joshua’s spies, on the other hand, was to act from faith—to find what God had given them and perhaps how He had given it to them. Similar actions; different motivations. One scouting trip was done honoring God, the other rebelling against Him. When have your actions seemed right from the outside, but you performed them with the wrong intentions or motivations? What happened? Day 2 - Joshua 2:8-24 In these verses, we are reminded of the power of a testimony. Word of what God had done had traveled to Jericho because someone, somewhere, had told others what he or she had witnessed. It may have been one person; it may have been several people, or even many people, but someone’s testimony ended up in Rahab’s ears and led to her faith in God. And that is what we are called to do today as followers of Christ—we are to declare what God has done in Christ to others, trusting in God for our testimony to bear fruit. What has God done, or is He doing right now, that you can tell someone