Head Above Water

Season 1 Episode 4 • Spies • Numbers Chapters 13&14



Week of March 3, 2019 Numbers 12:1-16 This account offers a picture of how we are to respond to God when He reveals Himself to us. God’s self-revelation shows us two things: who He is and who we are. When we see God for who He is and what He has done, we can properly see ourselves for who we are.  In what ways does seeing the truth of God’s character humble you? Numbers 13:1-33 The Israelites had left slavery in Egypt and endured a trek through the wilderness to make it to the promised land, which their sin prevented them from entering. Likewise, through Jesus, we are freed from the slavery to sin, yet we continue to live in the wilderness—a fallen and broken world. However, in light of eternity, our journey to our promised land is short, and we are called to trust God in faithfulness as we journey on, placing our hope in His promise to bring us home to the place of our rest. How might the hope of what God has in store for you in heaven change the way you approach each day now? Numbers 14:1-25 God invites u