Head Above Water

Episode 2 • Exodus Ch 36-40 • The Tabernacle



Exodus Ch 36-40 The Tabernacle - A place for God’s Presence Weekly Reading Plan Exodus 36:1-38 All we do is to be done for God’s glory as acts of worship. All of life can be worship of God.  In what “ordinary” ways has God gifted you? How have you, or can you, use these in service to Him? Exodus 37:1–38:31 In this passage two things are revealed. First, that worship of God is serious business. God takes worship seriously, and we should too. Second, Gad cares about the details of your life.  What “small” detail of your life do you need to trust that God knows and cares about? Exodus 39:1-43 We are called on to give God our best—of our time, energy, and resources—and to do so with joy.  This is our act of worship.  In which areas of life might you be holding something back from God?   Exodus 40:1-33 The Israelites had been rescued from slavery in Egypt through the Passover in the middle of the first month of the year (Ex. 12:1-3). One year later, they were about to celebrate the firs