
Re:sound #270 City Intersections



This week, two specific points on the map with two very different stories.Six Storiesby Jenny Casas, Robin Amer and Wilson Sayre for The City from USA Today.Chicago, 1990. A guy with a loud sweater, manicured nails and connections to some very powerful people idles in a limousine near a vacant lot. A fleet of dump trucks unloads literal tons of busted concrete—and keep coming back. Neighborhood residents take action. The mess becomes much bigger than a six-story pile of rubble.To hear the rest of the story, listen to Season 1 of The City.Homeless in Googlevilleby David Boyer for The Intersection from KALW.In the heart of Mountainview, California, where Google’s Silicon Valley headquarters are located, there's a row of parked RVs. Meet the Google employees who live there.Riding Through the Summerby Katie MingleA sonic journey to the lake by bicycle on a hot Chicago day.This episode of Re:sound was produced by Isabel Vázquez.Image: "Intersection" by Thomas Hawk.Music in this episode by Jonas, Hannis Brown, Into