Talk To The Entities® ~ Cara Wright And Bret Rushia

Gettin’ Happy With Your Awareness…On Talk To The Entities With Cara and Bret



If you are somebody who has struggled with finding the magnificent you in the world when there is so much insanity, so much intensity, so much trauma, drama, stupidity and density then this show is for you. When I (Bret) first started doing Access and the tools of Talk to the Entities about 3 years ago, I was overwhelmed by my awareness of what was going on in the world, and especially with my awareness of entities. I'll never forget, about a year and a half ago I was going into a hotel restaurant/bar with Shannon O'Hara, founder of Talk to the Entities in the evening after an Access class and as we crossed the threshold into the bar I stopped dead in my tracks. I was perceiving all of these different energies, entities, and intensities and I was freaking out more than a little bit. Shannon immediately turned to me and said "What if you could use this as a place to practice being you in the face of everyone else's insanity?" I said "...alright..." and walked in with her. Those steps forward were the beginning