Talk To The Entities® ~ Cara Wright And Bret Rushia

X-Men: Seeing Beyond The 4 Senses on Talk to the Entities with Cara and Bret with Special Guest Diva Diaz



OH man!! We have Diva Diaz on the Show this week!! She specializes in the Access Consciousness X-Men classes. X-Men is the name we affectionately give to kids and adults who have amazing capacities, much like the X-Men movies! They are the people that in today’s society are often labeled as having Autism, OCD, ADD and ADHD amongst other labels. What if these aren’t disabilities at all? What if they are abilities waiting to be uncovered? Well I’m here to tell you that they are! And one of the areas that is often very prevalent in the life of these kids and adults is that of ghosts and entities. Have you always ‘seen’ or been aware of the presence of entities and ghosts? Many of us are aware of these things since a very young age, and in a lot of cultures it’s well known that spirits exist. But are we ever given the tools to deal with them? Or to have more ease with our awareness of them? I have seen entities since I can remember, in fact I used to think that everyone else could see them too! Although this may