Indie Books

Indie Books #103 (Michelle Bellon)



Tune in and join me as I welcome this week's guest. Author Michelle Bellon joins me to talk about her books. We'll start with The Fire Inside and then check out her other works.From The Fire Inside:Aiden, a doting husband and father, had the perfect life - a job he loved, a beautiful son, and a loving wife. In an instant, everything is taken from him and Aiden believes his life is over. Falling into a deep depression Aiden all but gives up on his job, his friends and himself. But when a mysterious force grants him the power to heal those around him, Aiden is forced to pull himself out of his misery in favor of the greater good. When he meets Ryan, a hardened, pessimistic teenager living on the streets, and Norma, a woman whose marriage is crumbling around her, Aiden acknowledges that maybe life still has a purpose and this ability to heal may be more powerful than he ever imagined.For more information on Michelle Bellon and her books: