Of Music and Men

Bonus - Personality types (male characters)



Back on one of our bonus episodes in https://ofmusicandmen.captivate.fm/episode/bonus-personality-types-and-updates (May 2020), we explored the personality types of all the female characters. It was a really fun episode and you seemed to like it; it got a really great response. In this BONUS episode, I have some fun revealing the male characters' personality types using https://www.16personalities.com/articles/our-theory (16personalities.com) as reference. Also, visit our https://www.pinterest.com/ofmusicandmen/boards/ (Pinterest) for more on their style. So this episode, I’m going to give you the personality types of all the male characters that we’ve met thus far. Stax: Brandon Stacovski is Kenya’s friend from growing up; she’s known him the longest and their friendship has had (and will have) several different identities. He’s described as a white boy in the books and podcast with a cool “Brad Pitt/Tyler Durdan (Fight Club)” type of personality. He’s one of those people who knows every