Lead, Innovate, And Inspire

How to Stand Out in a Crowd w/ Mark Grimm



 Everyone in business or involved with a cause needs to distinguish themselves. Before we "spread the word," shouldn't we first be asking, "what word?" We’ll discuss the best ways to achieve the "clarity" that is so vital to your message and focus on what you can give to someone rather than what you would like to get while networking. Though we often depend on word-of-mouth advertising, what infrastructure is in place to capitalize on that process? Are we really clear about "our edge" and how well and often do we communicate it? Mark Grimm can help you find the solutions to these challenges to help you stand out in a crowd!Former TV new anchor Mark Grimm is a professional speaker and ASTD Trainer of the Year in a 20-county region. He is the author is the book Everyone Can Be a Dynamic Speaker: Yes, I Mean You! He founded Mark Grimm Communications, a public speaking training, media relations, and message strategy firm.