Rich Ideas Radio

Loving You with Jennifer Schramm



Tonight our guest is Jennifer Schramm! As someone who has fully recovered from an eating disorder, Jennifer Schramm is the creator of The Starving Self™, a program specifically designed to help people with eating disorders, and those who are generally suffering from low self-esteem.As a life coach and registered professional counsellor, Jennifer offers personal and group coaching, and has facilitated skill building groups at eating disorder support and resource centres such as Sheena’s Place in Toronto and Danielle’s Place in Burlington. She has also developed several specialized workshops and programs, among them, The Life Skills Toolkit, The Healing Circle, and an eight-week process called “Getting To Know Yourself Inside and Out.”Jennifer is a sought-after speaker, especially at high schools, colleges and universities. She writes a weekly column for the popular Toronto blogsite “She Does The City”, cited as the #1 Blog by Now Magazine. This year, Jennifer starts a new column called “The Starving Self, R