City Of Hope Radio

Lumpectomy vs Mastectomy: Making the Decision



Surgery is a common treatment option for most breast cancer patients. Depending on the tumor’s size, location and spread, the procedure performed may be a lumpectomy (removal of the tumor, surrounding breast tissue and possibly nearby lymph nodes) or a mastectomy (removal of one or both breasts, along with nearby lymph nodes).City of Hope offers the latest advances in surgical approaches to treating breast cancer. Our leading-edge technology and our surgeons' expertise means you can achieve outstanding outcomes that are not possible elsewhere. This includes breast cancer surgeries with fewer and smaller incisions, reducing discomfort and recovery time. Our minimally-invasive approach also allows patients to be treated sooner with post-surgery treatments, such as follow-up radiation and drug therapy.Listen as Amy Polverini, MD discusses your Surgical Options for Breast Cancer to find the one that best suits your cancer and your lifestyle.