Liberty Chronicles

Ep. 92: Profiles in Locodom: William Cullen Bryant



In today’s episode, we shift to the radical end of the spectrum to investigate the life of another Locofoco archetype: William Cullen Bryant, who played the role of venerable, wise, old sage, whose ancient knowledge and cool demeanor kindled radical flames for generations. We explore his early life that led him to write for the Evening Post. Also, we explain how he formed a mentor relationship with William Leggett, which inspired the Evening Post to turn to radical views of politics.Who was William Cullen Bryant and what inspired him to start writing? How did Bryant change the Evening Post? How was he able to be a mentor to William Leggett? What were the political views of William Leggett and William Cullen Bryant and how did they portray them through the Evening Post?Further Reading:William Cullen Bryant, Poetry FoundationWilliam Cullen Bryant, written by John BigelowRelated Content:Ep. 87: Profiles in Locodom: Fernando Wood, Liberty Chronicles PodcastWilliam Leggett, Encyclopedia of LibertarianismProperty,