3 Friends Talk's Podcast

3 friends TALK LIVE 059 Slave Haven’s Alana Turner, Learn about Your Past to Strengthen Your Future



Slave Haven Underground Railroad Museum is Alana Turner’s family business.  The history of our people from Africa to slavery to freedom is vast and deep.  Alana’s family has been championing for our freedom and equality since the civil rights movement.  ***Trigger Warning:  We discuss slavery and the cruel treatment of enslaved Africans during this episode.*** It’s always an informative chat with 3 friends TALK. During Alana Turner’s episode, you will learn: Being uncomfortable with your history is ok What is Post Traumatic Slave Syndrome The great impact of the Lee family during the civil rights movement How our history informs our present There is more to Memphis Black History than the Lorraine Motel Links mentioned in the show: https://www.joydegruy.com/post-traumatic-slave-syndrome   ABOUT sLAVE hAVEN: A WALK THROUGH THIS ANTEBELLUM HOME IS A JOURNEY THROUGH HISTORY, REVEALING SECRETS OF ITS PAST THAT HAD BEEN KEPT HIDDEN FOR MORE THAN 100 YEARS. After reaching America, Africans were auctioned off to th