
ep35 MICRODOSE REALITY: Microdosing Psilocybin for Mental Health



Micro-Dosing: is on everyone's lips, but what exactly is it? What does it feel like? Does it work? Where do I start? Mental Health is arguably one of the most important topics of our time: the wellness of the collective has never more precarious - or more difficult to come by. Society is at the tipping point for change: fed-up with a system only making us less well - we are all seeking accessible and affordable tools for [mental] health that deliver lasting change. And the plant revolution continues.   LISTENUP as I dive-in to microdosing with Aaron + May, founders of Vellum Health (The Inner Mystic), an entrepreneurial couple on a mush mission to make mental health affordable, accessible, more under our personal control - and perhaps more magical too. We talk: how a microdose protocol can help manage stress and wellness, how microdosing delivers neurological benefits to mental (and overall) health, how to dose & where to start, micro vs macrodosing, the corporate MUSHRUSH, NEWTS' experience shroomin