- Sports Betting Radio Sports Betting Radio Podcast - April 12, 2021



Host Adam Burke stepped back into The Bettor’s Box to spend some time talking about what we’ve seen so far in terms of contact quality and some teams that are off to slow starts and those that are off to good starts. It is important to understand the reasons why and to see if those things are sustainable developments or not. Adam talked a lot about regression to the mean with extreme outliers and also about the death of the platoon advantage to open the show. The Down the Lines segment is really important for those that want to get line value and line equity each and every day in the betting markets. Adam recapped the line moves dating back to last Friday and added some context and analysis as to what happened with those games. Along the way, he talked about a few picks for Monday as well. The Sabermetric Stat of the Show was xFIP and then Adam previewed Yankees vs. Blue Jays, Rangers vs. Rays, and Indians vs. White Sox for the week ahead.