My First Podcast

HELPFUL TEMPERAMENT MOMENTS with Dr. Bacer Baker - "It's really important that you have a deep relationship with The Lord Jesus Christ"



"In all of these temperaments, it's really important that you have a deep relationship with The Lord Jesus Christ. That you really understand what it is and who it is that He is. In all of our temperaments, all of it is meant, to find our peace, to find our pleasure, to find those things in Him first, and then He will help you to walk in the strengths... How to interact with the people, how to interact with inclusion, control, and affection, as we have the relationship with The Lord Jesus Christ, as we recognize the Spirit of the Living God is on the inside of us. Remember the personality is not the temperament. The temperament is the real who you are... God has it so, that you can work out all of these strengths, all of these powerful things... How leaders, and how people can take these things and utilize them to build the kingdom of God. How you can work in the kingdom of God and how you can help others. Because remember, ultimately, it's about going into all the world, releasing the kingdom of God, so that