Bibliophiles Anonymous

Bibliophiles Anonymous #91 - Where's the bow?



In this episode of Bibliophiles Anonymous, Denise and Jess finally make good on their promise to review one of their BookBub finds: Magic of Thieves by C. Greenwood, the first book in the Legends of Dimmingwood series. Pretty cover. You know how much we love strong female characters with bows! Wish the bow had gotten a bit more attention in the story though . . . The book had a lot of good setup for the series, and definitely leaves the reader wanting more. Parts of it were a bit underwhelming though. Jess thought that it reminded her of the beginning of the Ranger's Apprentice which became one of her favorite series of all time despite the slow start. We have both agreed to at least read the next Dimmingwood book and see where it's going. We also beg shamelessly for reviews and ratings on iTunes. Because we're classy like that. Also, if you happen to see our flyer floating around social media anywhere, do us a favor and share that thing around. We'd love you forever if you would. :) Have you read this book?