Quintessential Being

Sobriety, self-acceptance + starting over with Mala Kennedy



The self-acceptance piece is something that the spiritual community can bang on about + we all have our own unique dance with the cycle of self-doubt + self-acceptance. It is a truly individual practice as no one person can ever experience life the same. For Mala Kennedy self-acceptance has really been about looking in the mirror + no longer flinching at her reflection, adopted as a child from Sri Lanka by an Australian family Mala grew up feeling caught between two worlds. Adding to that a diagnosis of vitiligo growing up which ultimately led to the decision to live life sober, Mala reveals what it is truly like to live holding her own edges instead of numbing them. Becoming a student of personal development + using various tools to solidify her change in BEing human, she now helps women shift from self-doubt to self-acceptance so they too can feel confident. Working with language, emotions and the body, she guides her clients to re-invigorate their relationship to self + facilitate lasting shifts. As a life