@ Sea With Justin Mcroberts

Christopher Williams



In his Legendary book “The War of Art” Steven Pressfield writes:“The professional arms himself with patience, not only to give the stars time to align in his career but to keep himself from flaming out in each individual work. He knows that any job, whether it’s a novel or a kitchen remodel, takes twice as long as he thinks and costs twice as much. . . [he] steels himself at the start of a project, reminding himself it is the Iditarod, not the sixty-yard dash. He conserves his energy. He prepares his mind for the long haul.” I’ve personally met very few artists who embody and practice that attitude quite as well or as consistently as Christopher Williams.  Like the Professional in Pressfield’s book, Chris does the work of being an artist.  Little to no flash (though there’s definitely some pizazz on display when he’s playing that hand drum) No complaining (though he can clearly articulate the difficulty of life as a full-time artist) Little to nothing extra: Just the songs, which, 14 projects later, are bette