Clarity On Fire

Side Chat: How to stop procrastinating



OK, procrastinators, it’s time to face the music. (Does anyone here actually NOT procrastinate?? First of all, how dare you? And second, kindly show yourself out). It seems like everyone is forever trying to overcome procrastination. A lot of us believe that if we just read enough “life hacking” articles we can force ourselves into submission. But if you couldn’t guess, we aren’t down with that. In this month’s Side Chat, we’re talking about: When procrastination means something deeper, and when it’s not a big deal When your intuition uses procrastination to try to send you a message, and how to interpret it Using education and research as a form of sneaky procrastination When procrastination masquerades as perfectionism How you can release the pressure so you don’t feel the compulsion to procrastinate as often After you’ve listened, leave a comment to let us know how you’ve been procrastinating how this episode resonated with you! FREE WORKSHOP ON JANUARY 28! We’re hosting a free, LIVE online workshop on M