Clarity On Fire

Wizardry and sarcasm (Introducing Clarity on Fire)



Welcome to Clarity on Fire, a podcast for people who know what they DON’T want out of their life and career, but aren’t sure what they’d RATHER be doing. In this inaugural episode you’ll meet us, Kristen and Rachel (two best friends from college and certified life coaches), and get a taste of what we’re here to do. Namely, help you cut through the information overload, get unstuck, and focus not JUST on how you can have a career you’re passionate about, but how to create a whole LIFE that feels fulfilling.  New episodes will drop twice a week. On Tuesdays you’ll get quick 7-10 minute audio editions of our weekly blog, and on Fridays you’ll get a rotating array of interviews with experts, fireside chats with the two of us, interviews with normal people (because the wisdom of 95% of humanity is way underrated), and a listener advice column called Dear Krachel (don’t you have a celebrity couple nickname with your BFF? No? Just us?). In a world where it’s easy to exist but hard to feel alive, we want you to exper